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Showing posts from March, 2015

Worth the Chance

Originally I had planned on only posting when I had something to add to my 1000 Gifts list. But that would mean two things: 1. I could potentially go for a long time without posting anything 2. I would actually have to look for things to be grateful for... And there it is. The hard part. I can say so many times that I am a grateful person, and that I have so much to be grateful for. So making a list of 1000 things should be no problem (especially for an avid list maker such as myself). And yet... this is only my second blog post, and it's been about two weeks. In my Bible reading this week I was reading in Judges and came across a very hard verse. To put into context what's going on here, the Israelites have entered the promised land. And, with Joshua's help, they have driven out the occupants, started to settle the land, and are beginning to enjoy peace from God. Except... they haven't done so great with driving out the occupants. For any number of r

Out on Paper

So for Christmas, my sister-in-law gave me the book 1000 Gifts.  The premise of the book is easy, but not simple: keep a gratitude journal of 1000 things to thank God for. And ever since I've started reading it, my brain and my heart have been trying to figure out what that looks like for me. Because, to be completely honest, I haven't been in a thankful place lately. No matter what I have portrayed, moving to Boston has been frustrating. I retreated into a selfish little hole, and now that I'm emerging, I find myself unsure how to pick up the pieces. Even though I don't need to earn love or salvation from God, how can I show Him that I get it? That I do know I can do better and  that I'm going to do better? So I'm starting here. With a blog of gratitude and thanks. By getting over my fear that I have nothing to be thankful for (because I do) and putting my heart out here. By sharing my thoughts, no matter who reads them, or how unorganized I think they are.