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Not Alone

Resonating- that feeling you get when someone says something that is exactly what you were thinking and didn't know for sure how to say it.

One of the hardest parts about moving to Boston was the feeling that I was in this alone. Yes, I had Nate, but that was it.* I struggled to connect to people at church and didn't feel like I fit in with my coworkers. I've realized now that a lot of it had to do with me and my unwillingness to connect. But it's hard to be 28 and move some place new and start over with new people.

Insecurity is something I have dealt with more and more as I get older. I think I always struggled with it, but it took moving away from all my friends and family for me to truly see how big of an issue it was for me. It's really easy for me to get bogged down and worried about how I come across and whether or not others like me... but that robs me. It robs my joy, self esteem, friendships, and my marriage. And I think God let me go through this to learn to lean harder and stronger on him. Do i still have days where I want to stay in bed and mope? Yes. But it's not every day, and you know what? It's. Ok.

And then I read this blog post by a good friend's wife. I hardly know her, but we are so much alike. Her writing is honest and real. My take away is that it's ok to feel how you feel. Read this and feel encouraged: Laura LaBeau- Soulfully Fed

*Let me be very clear- Nate was incredible during that time. He knew that something was wrong, but never pushed me to share more than I was comfortable. He prayerfully supported me through one of the toughest parts of my life so far. I can never be grateful enough for this man.


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