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Showing posts from August, 2015

The Inbetween Place

I would love to be able to say that my job search is easier... but that would be a lie. This is so different from any other time I've had to look for a job. It's more competitive, and I just don't feel like I fit here. I send out application after application... and nothing. No interviews, no phone calls. Just the form email that says, "You along with several other applications were all considered. Unfortunately, you were not selected." I have had two interviews. One I wasn't excited about and one I was. And I am a countin'-chickens-before-they-hatch kind of girl... figuring out how to set up a room, planning lessons, imagining how I'll feel when I get "the call", how happy Nate will be... And the two good things that came from those two interviews just doesn't feel like enough anymore.  At the one I wasn't excited about, I received the nicest rejection email ever: "Just because you aren't a good fit for us, doe