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Showing posts from September, 2015

Things I've Learned

So this week, Nate and I have been living in Boston for 1 year. It is unreal to me how much has happened since then. While I love living here, it is easily one of the hardest and most stressful things I have ever done to move here. Since I am reflective by nature (side effect of being an introverted extrovert and insecure), here are some things I have learned in this crazy awesome stressful year: 1. No matter how good you think you are at directions, a street map of Boston will always look like a plate of spaghetti. Seriously, just take the T. 2. Having a teaching license in three different states (2 now) is over rated. And, and! The license application process always gets harder, and always makes you feel like a show pony jumping through hoops. 3. It is no good trying to fake it when you aren't happy. Honesty is always better- better emotionally, better physically, better spiritually. God and your husband always know when you are lying. 4. Piggy backing off that, binge wat