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Things I've Learned

So this week, Nate and I have been living in Boston for 1 year. It is unreal to me how much has happened since then. While I love living here, it is easily one of the hardest and most stressful things I have ever done to move here. Since I am reflective by nature (side effect of being an introverted extrovert and insecure), here are some things I have learned in this crazy awesome stressful year:

1. No matter how good you think you are at directions, a street map of Boston will always look like a plate of spaghetti. Seriously, just take the T.

2. Having a teaching license in three different states (2 now) is over rated. And, and! The license application process always gets harder, and always makes you feel like a show pony jumping through hoops.

3. It is no good trying to fake it when you aren't happy. Honesty is always better- better emotionally, better physically, better spiritually. God and your husband always know when you are lying.

4. Piggy backing off that, binge watching shows on Netflix gets depressing and lonely when that is all you do.

5. You have the friends you make. If you act disinterested don't be surprised when people don't want to interact with you (shocking, I know!). Also, when you start to show signs of socialness, you will (or not) be amazed at how eager people are to spend time with you. I have some of the greatest friends here.

6. God provides what you need. I already knew this, but I learned it in a whole new dimension. When you are too stressed and embarrassed to tell your husband that you aren't happy, God will hold you as you are finally honest. When you need a job and haven't been looking for one, God will hold you when it takes a while, to truly teach you that He is all you need. And when your life makes absolutely no sense, God will hold you and remind you that He is God and that sometimes, it isn't going to make sense... and that's ok.

7. Boston is awesome! There is so much great stuff to do here. And, now that I'm out of the funk that I was in last year, I can enjoy it even more. We have an amazing church family, we have some great friends. and we have places we call ours- Sweet Cupcake, Sakurabana, Earl of Sandwich, Orange Leaf, and Pino's Pizza just to name a few.

God is so good. And even though trusting him isn't easy, fun, or uncomplicated sometimes, it is so so good. Here's to another year of awesome in Boston!


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