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Don't Keep It Simple

The title of my blog is "Living Open Handed." To me, this means being on the look out and paying attention to the blessings of God. It also means that I am not hanging onto them and selfishly keeping them for myself, but helping others notice them as well.

As Christians, we cannot over simplify our beliefs. We cannot say that God's grace is only for us and those like us. We cannot dictate the terms of someone else's salvation. And that's a hard line... 

We absolutely are called to lovingly help others see the sin in their lives. We absolutely are called to live like Jesus and obey His terms. But... we cannot say that someone's salvation is dependent on our approval. Because if we do that, we are no better than the Pharisees and their additions to the law.

I am pro-life. I believe that all life is sacred and valued by God. I am positively heart broken over the millions of children that are murdered every year. I pray that God will change hearts and help others to believe as I do. But if you were to ask me what I would do if it were my life on the line? I have to think, and I am terrified; I pray I never have to make that choice.  

I also understand that for the women who do have to make that choice, and the women who make that choice for other reasons, it isn't as simple as I like to think. So I have to ask myself, what am I doing to help lead these women to Jesus? What am I doing to help them value their unborn child as much as I do? What can I do? 

A friend recently posted this on Facebook, and I was convicted: 

"-Volunteer at a women's shelter
-Offer to tutor a single/struggling mom/dad who is in school and could use the help
-Offer to babysit for a single mom/dad
-Financially support a single mom/dad or struggling couple
-Support public daycare
-Financially support adoption agencies and/or couples adopting
-Sponsor an orphan or child-in-need
-Support government assistance programs like welfare, WIC, SNAP, etc.
-Support sexual health education and counseling programs
-Support access to free contraception
-Foster a child
-Give food to a food bank
-Mentor a mom to be


And I know that I will not agree with everyone. I know that I, and others who believe like I do, will be accused of compromising. But I am fed up with: 1. Being accused of only caring about the unborn child and not its parents and 2. Feeling useless in this struggle.

Please. Pray for these women and the children they are carrying. Pray that Jesus will reach out to them. Pray that we can be Jesus to them.

Father, I want to be used by you. I want to be you to people who are different from me, and show people how deeply you love them. Help me to look for ways I can do that, and stop just talking about it. I pray for these women, their children, and the choices they make. I pray that I can make a difference somehow, some way.  


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