I am a Christian who voted for Hillary.
Now that that's out of the way...
I've noticed a growing disconnect between the way I was raised and the expectations for me. When I mentioned in passing to my mom that I had never voted for the person who became president, there was a pause. And when the question finally came, "You voted for Hillary?" there was something there I couldn't place. Surprise, sure... but something else.
I've felt it this whole election cycle. Christians passionately and loudly came down on both sides. Listen, neither candidate was perfect, and neither exemplifies Biblical living perfectly.
Now that that's out of the way...
Here are my thoughts... here's why I voted for her.
1. I was raised to be a thoughtful, caring and compassionate person. I was taught that my value does not come from the words people use to describe me (although that does show me the value they place on me). So when I hear a man who is running for president say the things Mr. Trump said and do the things he did, why is it surprising that he did not earn my vote? I was raised to tell the truth. When has Donald Trump ever said anything that didn't benefit him? Where has he apologized for the racist, sexist, self-servicing, fear and hate filled things he has said? You can't separate the words from the man when he has not distanced himself from them at all.
2. As a teacher, I had to look at what each candidate believed about the future of my job. Quite frankly, Mr. Trump has terrible ideas about the state of education and things to fix it.
3. Being pro-life is more than - has to be more than - protecting the life of the unborn. What happens after a baby is born to a single mom? What happens when that single mom can't buy groceries? Being pro-life means valuing life at every state of the game. It means stepping in to help the poor. It means caring for the elderly. It means wanting more for prisons than to just be places to rot and learn next to nothing about how to be a valuable contributing member of society. And sometimes... it means voting for a pro-choice candidate because they get that.
I'm learning that faith and politics don't always line up into nice neat columns. It isn't as simple as I'm a Christian so I have to vote with "x" party. Neither party is the sole party of Christianity. Neither party has all their opinions in line with biblical values. So, you look at the issues. You pray about who has the most in common with what you believe. You determine which of your views are the most important, the most likely to be dealt with by that or any candidate. And, if it doesn't go your way, or if both of the candidates are truly awful... you pray and pray some more. You thank God that he knows what he's doing, and that the decision isn't up to you.
God, thank you for President Trump. Your sovereignty is on display for all to see. Whatever happens in the next four years, you are still on your throne and you are still a good God. Use him to bring glory to you. Unite your church to speak up for the oppressed and to bring others to you.
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