I used to be able to say I didn't post political things on Facebook. Can't say that anymore.
And even though there are so many things I'm passionate and knowledgable about, I feel helpless. As an older millennial, I get that Facebook is not the place for these conversations. But the problem is that's really the only place where I know people who (in my opinion) need to hear what I have to say; it's the only place where I'm comfortable to engage with people who engage with me.
As a Christian, I'm called to engage wth my culture; to speak out against injustice, give a voice to the powerless. But more importantly, I'm also called to proclaim the amazing Good News of the gospel. And balance is hard, exhausting, and... scary.
I'm realizing the Christianity has to be lived out to have any meaning. I can't just talk about the goodness of God when there are real things that need attention. I can't ignore injustice because truth is more important. And I can't ignore truth... so you see my dilemma?
The key is love. Ephesians talks about living in a divided world as a Christian. Christ is my example, and love is his method. So I love the world by telling and showing them Jesus. And I love the Christian community who thinks differently from me by showing them a different viewpoint
Without love, I am a clanging gong- meaningless noise.
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